You can stay tuned with the AIS-Munich events by adding our Google calendar to your calendar software.
Upcoming Events
Nowruz Ceremony 1404
Date: TBA
Place: TBA
We are organizing a one-day Nowruz festival, a day of traditional music, dance, Persian cuisine, and art exhibitions. Our festival aims to provide a platform for cultural understanding, and unite communities in the spirit of renewal and unity.
This event is free and open to the students and academics. However, due to the limited capacity registration is required.

Past Events
An introduction to "Investment in Germany"
Date: 08.03.2025, 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Place: StuVe LMU
In this meeting, Julius Kolb, a financial advisor at Horbach, will discuss the basics of investment opportunities in Germany, covering topics such as stocks, private pension plans, and real estate. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for you to explore additional options and ask questions.

مقدمهای بر «سرمایهگذاری در آلمان»
در این نشست، یولیوس کولب مشاور مالی در شرکت هورباخ، دربارهٔ فرصتهای سرمایهگذاری مالی در آلمان، همچون سهام، بیمهٔ بازنشستگی، املاک و ... صحبت خواهد کرد. پس از ارائه توضیحات میتوانید سوالات خود را دربارهٔ سرمایهگذاری مطرح کنید.
ارائه به زبان انگلیسی خواهد بود.
Orientation Afternoon and Yalda Night
Date: 22.12.2024, 17:00 - 00:00 CET
Place: StuVe LMU
We warmly invite international students, especially arriving students for the Winter semester 2025, to the AIS-Munich "Welcome Afternoon & Yalda Night", where You can meet up with fellow international students and professors, gather tips on life in Munich, especially as expats, and get familiar with AIS-Munich members and activities. Afterward, we will celebrate the year's longest night (Yalda Night). There will be Iranian specialties, beverages, snacks, and more!
انجمن دانشجویان ایرانی مونیخ از تمام دانشجویان، به خصوص دانشجویان تازهوارد، برای شرکت در «دورهمی آشنایی و شب یلدا» دعوت میکند. در ابتدای برنامه کنار یکدیگر و با همراهی اساتید ایرانی دانشگاه زمانی را به گفتوگو و آشنایی خواهیم گذراند. پس از آن مراسم شب یلدا این بلندترین شب سال را در کنارهم با حافظخوانی و رقص پایکوبی جشن خواهیم گرفت. انواع اطعمه و اشربه برای پذیرایی فراهم خواهد بود. به امید دیدارتان ...

Student Club Fair 2024
Date: 25.10.2024, 10:00 - 17:00 CET
Place: Magistrale Mechanical Engineering
"Experience the diversity of student involvement in a relaxed atmosphere and learn what TUM students are committed to: At the Student Club Fair, TUM student initiatives and university groups present their activities and projects.
Here you can find the intiative that suits you and with which you can actively shape your time at TUM. In student initiatives you can explore your interests, discover your talents and ultimately create great things together.
In addition, the Student Club Fair offers student initiatives an opportunity to exchange ideas with each other."
Study Introductory Days (SET) 2024
"Unileben Messe"
Date: 11.10.2024, 16:00 CET
Place: MW 2001, TUM Campus Garching
Unileben Messe invites new TUM students to dive into campus life! Explore diverse student clubs, from academics to hobbies. Engage in interactive sessions, make friends, and find your community. Join us for a vibrant start to your TUM journey!

Iranian Documentary Film Festival in Munich 2024
The second Iranian documentary film festival in Munich. The festival offers a unique experience of the art of non-fiction filmmaking to gain a deeper understanding of Iranian culture.
More info

Gerge Orwell 1984 play
Date: 09.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30
Place: Amerikahaus München
Join us for a group viewing of the theater "1984" by George Orwell at Amerikahaus, organized by the AIS-Munich Book Club! The play is in English, with discounted student tickets available. Persian translations of the book are also available for borrowing upon request. Hope to see you there!
Photo: ©Matthias Heil /

افتتاحیه باشگاه کتاب انجمن
تاریخ: ۵ مه ۲۰۲۴, ساعت ۱۴ تا ۱۸
آدرس: Studierendenvertretung LMU, Leopoldstraße 15
از شما صمیمانه دعوت میکنیم تا در روز ۵ ماه مه در برنامهٔ افتتاح باشگاه کتاب انجمن، با حضور رضا نجفی، نویسنده و مترجم، شرکت کنید.
در این روز علاوه بر معرفی باشگاه و ساختار آن از آخرین اثر رضا نجفی با عنوان «هفت گامِ معلقِ مردِ خوابگرد» رونمایی خواهیم کرد. بخشی از نشست نیز به بررسی آثار هسه با توجه به نظریات کارل گوستاو یونگ اختصاص خواهد داشت. علاوه بر پذیرایی، علاقه مندان میتوانند از میز کتاب پَرسه دیدن کنند و کتابهای مورد علاقهٔ خود را تهیه کنند.

شاعران نامدار زبان فارسی (حضوری و آنلاین)
تاریخ: ۲۸ آوریل ۲۰۲۴، ساعت ۱۶ تا ۱۸
آدرس: Leopoldstr. 15, Studierendenvertretung LMU München
اولین نشست ادبی و شعرخوانی را با نام شاعر نامدار زبان فارسی «خواجه محمد حافظ شیرازی» با نگاهی به زندگی و خوانش چند غزل از او آغاز میکنیم.حضور در این نشست برای همگان آزاد و رایگان است. لطفا در صورت امکان دیوانی از حافظ به همراه داشته باشید. میزبان: امیرحسن سعیدی

Welcome Day - Summer 2024
Date: 27.04.2024, 14:00 - 17:00
Place: Gabelsbergerstr. 43, StudiTUM, 0201.EG.001
We warmly invite international students arriving for the summer semester 2024 to the AIS-Munich welcome meeting. You can meet fellow senior and newly-arrived international students, gather tips on life in Munich, especially as expats, and get familiar with AIS-Munich members and activities. You can also enjoy some Iranian beverages and snacks. The meeting will be held hybrid (in-person and online) and bilingual in Persian and English.
Nowruz 1403
Date: 23.03.2024, 18:00 - midnight
Place: Immatrikulationshalle, Arcisstr. 21
Khane-e-Iran e.V. and Association of Iranian Students in Munich are organizing a one-day Nowruz festival, a day of traditional music, dance, Persian cuisine, and art exhibitions. Our festival aims to provide a platform for cultural understanding, and unite communities in the spirit of renewal and unity.
This event is free and open to the public. However, due to the limited capacity registration is required.

Student Club Fair 2023
Date: 25.10.2023, 10:00 - 17:00 CET
Place: Magistrale Mechanical Engineering
"Experience the diversity of student involvement in a relaxed atmosphere and learn what TUM students are committed to: At the Student Club Fair, TUM student initiatives and university groups present their activities and projects. Here you can find the intiative that suits you and with which you can actively shape your time at TUM. In student initiatives you can explore your interests, discover your talents and ultimately create great things together. In addition, the Student Club Fair offers student initiatives an opportunity to exchange ideas with each other."
Winter Semester 2023 Orientation day
Date: 21.10.202, 15:00 - 19:00
Place: Foyer Theresianum, Arcisstr. 21
Organized by the Association of Iranian Students in Munich. Join us to meet fellow students and university alumni. Discover study tips, relish tasty food and drinks, and get familiar with Munich's vibrant cultural groups. Don't miss this chance to connect and enjoy!
Study Introductory Days (SET) 2023
"Unileben Messe"
Date: 13.10.2023, 16:30 CET
Place: MW 2001, TUM Campus Garching
Unileben Messe invites new TUM students to dive into campus life! Explore diverse student clubs, from academics to hobbies. Engage in interactive sessions, make friends, and find your community. Join us for a vibrant start to your TUM journey!

Iranian Documentary Film Festival in Munich 2023
The first Iranian documentary film festival in Munich. The festival offers a unique experience of the art of non-fiction filmmaking to gain a deeper understanding of Iranian culture.
More info

History of Philosophy (revisit)
27.06.2023, 19:30 CET
We are happy to announce the 3rd REVISIT session of the History of Philosophy. In the REVISIT, we will reconsider and discuss influential concepts of the history of thought in more detail with an expert. In this session, Dr. Mark Carstensen will be presenting a talk on “Schopenhauer and Philosophical Pessimism”. Customarily, there would be time for discussion and Q&A after the talk. Hope to see you there.
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